Thursday, June 30, 2011
Friday, October 22, 2010
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Friday, April 17, 2009
More pages! Yay!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Some more recent pages
Sophie and Sage's Sealing in the Manti Temple:
I love how this page turned out (Di, if you want a copy let me know and I'll get one to you.)
This is Devin's truck (old truck). I made a page about it awhile ago but I have never liked it. I like how this one turned out. I did this for a Quick Page challenge at DSM.
Thanksgiving Point Farm Country:
Devin and I went to Thanksgiving Point to meet up with Leslie and Dave. We missed them, but we went to the farm. It was fun. I like this double page lo.
This is from the Clark Family Reunion back in July. I am working on more pages to go with this one.. Devin hates getting pictures taken so I decided to scrapbook the bad ones anyway. Maybe someday he'll late me take the darn photos! lol

Turning the big 21:
I got the idea for hte lo of this page from Digital Scrapbook Magazine. There was an ad on one of the pages which was layed out this way. I thought it was fun. I'm not loving the background I chose, but it will work.

I can't remember all of them and unfortunately I didn't write them down. (If anyone recognizes anything will you please let me know!)
Sheba: Digital Scrapbook Memories "O Boy" CD, "Rough Stuff" kit.
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Tutorial and the Quick Page
Here are the QP's. One for 12x12 and one for 8.5x11.

(Photoshop CS2)
1. Open your paper and gel and drag onto page.
2. Cut your ribbon to the shape/size you want. Use the marquee tool to select the length and width by clicking and dragging. Then right click, select inverse. Then delete.

More pages
This is for an Olympics Challenge at DSM (http://www.digitalscrapbookmemories.com)
Rowing Challenge (needed to have straight lines)
Power Outage

Brushin' Hair
Wrestling Challenge (Needed to be a manly theme) this was also for a quick page challenge. (If you would like the QP email me and I'll send it to ya.. or leave a post with your email and I'll get it to ya.)
100 Meter Dash Challenge (they posted a sketch of a layout and we had to race to finish it first)
Lazy Day Archery Challenge (Had to have 6-12 square photos aligned precisely)
Golfing My Birthday
Cycling Challenge (needed to use circles)
Get 'im Ginger James Collage
Power Outage: DSM "O Boy" CD- Various kits, Will&Grace Font dafont.com
Brushin' Hair: DSM "Collection 2" CD- Bright and Daisy Kits
Downhilling: DSM "Playground" CD- Benjamin's Slide Kit
Lazy Day: DSM "Playground" CD- Various kits
Golfing: DSM "Family Ties" CD- Teen Kit, Juice ITC Font dafont.com
My Birthday: (can't remember)
Get 'im Ginger: DSM "Collection 2" CD- Various kits, My Organization font dafont.com, Altered
CD Mini Album Template by Brooke Kemp for Digital Scrapbook Memories
James Collage: DSM "Familiy Ties" kit