I was asked how I made the ribbon slide for the quick page (QP) and if I'd make a tutorial for it. So, here is the tutorial for how to make the ribbon slide. And here is the quick page. Thanks for your interest!
Here are the QP's. One for 12x12 and one for 8.5x11.
Make a ribbon and ribbon slide from paper and gels
(Photoshop CS2)
1. Open your paper and gel and drag onto page.
2. Cut your ribbon to the shape/size you want. Use the marquee tool to select the length and width by clicking and dragging. Then right click, select inverse. Then delete.
3. Add a shadow and bevel to the paper to make it a ribbon.
4. Now you are ready to make the ribbon slide. Place the gel where you want it on top of the ribbon. Then take an eraser the size of the holes you want, then erase two lines. If you hold shift while you are erasing it will erase in a straight line.
5. Now use the eyedropper to select the color that borders the gel from the inside first. CTRL click on the gel icon in the layers palette to select it. Make a new layer. Use your brush slightly bigger than the erased ‘holes’ and draw a straight line from top to bottom. Deselect
6. Make new layer. Ctrl Click the layer icon for the new color around holes. Right click, select inverse. Use the eyedropper to select the next color and use a slightly larger brush to draw around that on the new layer.
7. Repeat the step one more time with the last color.
8. Now to erase the extra inside colors.. CTRL click on the original gel then right click and select inverse. Then click on each new layer and hit delete. Then deselect and merge the layers so you have only the gel layer left.
9. Now you need to make the ribbon go through the slide. Make sure you are on the gel layer. Use your marquee to select the area the ribbon will go ‘over’. Press delete.
10. Now you need to make the shadow continue onto the gel where the ribbon passes over it. Make sure you are on the ribbon layer. Use the burn tool with a small brush to draw the shadow on there. (For Elements users 4.0 and below- Use a small, very soft, transparent brush with black and draw the shadow. Hold shift as you draw to make a straight line.)
11. The last two steps are to make the ribbon look like it bends slightly as it is going over the hump in the center. First you take the burn tool with a large brush and low exposure and draw straight down along the outside ridges of the center. Then you use the dodge tool with a small brush and low exposure to draw along the inside ridges of the center. (Elements users: Use the small transparent, soft brush with black for the burn tool, and with white for the dodge tool.)
12. Now you are done! If you want to know how to make one of your own gels so you don’t have to use a premade one, let me know…